If you think you understand it all, think again. Just as we use a small percentage of our brain/mind capacity, so we understand a small percentage of ‘reality.’ Now this is not necessarily as depressing as it sounds. Just as very high Masters have said they know only what they need to know, it may be a blessing that we don’t see, hear, or feel everything. There’s nothing wrong with filtering out not only dross, but other irrelevant or less relevant material.
Serenity may very well use SIMPLICITY as a valuable tool. And simplicity is what it is, isn’t it? Pretty simple. Why burden ourselves with information that is not useful to us—or to our purposes? When there were only 3 TV channels available, it may have made sense to channel surf. The advent of cable, however, with its hundreds of channels makes it propitious to pick and choose. Likewise, the internet or the Worldwide Web, as we used to call it, puts it all at our fingertips—the good, the bad, and the ugly!
Hence using our power of discrimination and judgment (the good kind) to saunter and meander through life are less
luxuries and more indispensable tools these days.
Then, when we make decisions that appear to be less sattvic and even ‘wrong’ at times, best we manage the other kind of judgment (of self) and quickly move on after short periods of assessment. That is one of the joys of living in the present. What was done is done. What’s next? Can we learn from the past so as to not repeat mistakes? Surely. But over analysing or obsessing over the past is counterproductive.
Since we have spoken of changing ourselves as a mechanism for changing the world, rather than focusing on the trees of what happened in a particular situation, why not look at the forest— changing ourselves—which takes care of the trees as well?
Another beauty of focusing on ourselves as a step towards effecting change not only internally, but externally as well, is that changing ourselves has the highest possibility of success. Changing others….not so much. Even on the world stage, looking at so-called world leaders likely reveals the underlying causes of events—dictators pursue fascist agendas, narcissists by definition seek first their own welfare, not the welfare of those they are meant to serve. Crooks act crookedly. Big Pharma pursues profits, Big Oil is not interested in Climate Change. The result: MOTHER NATURE SUFFERS.
So, if it feels like we are left to our own resources, this may indeed be the case. Of course, we who have learned and practice Agnihotra copper pyramid healing fire, can take comfort in the fact that this process goes a long way towards addressing much of what ails us— individually and collectively.
We notice that our minds are subtly pushed in proper directions and that nature around us thrives. And these changes, both subtle and palpable simultaneously, are so, so real. But don’t take my word for it. Believe what you