Just like we humans, who have our Light sides and our Dark sides, life seems to be a potpourri of paradoxes that does keep things rather interesting, but at the same time, can lead to or encourage dangerous consequences. So putting aside the ‘agonies and the ecstasies,’ and the double-edged swords, what practical solutions and actions are at our disposal?
First let us digress and comment on WHY there is so much hate, vile language, unbelievably unfair laws, neglect of the poor amongst us, and election of politicians who not so long ago would simply have been jailed.
That these are worldwide phenomena at least opens to the possibility of worldwide solutions that are understandable and believable.
Were we not to have airplanes, spreading disease, for example, would be harder and take more time. Were we not to have the internet, what I write or sing or preach could not ‘go viral’ and infect millions. And just like infections, life-threatening, happiness-threatening and perspective-threatening modalities seem like everyday companions to us all.
Let’s take DISINFORMATION. Technology in the forms of artificial intelligence, photoshopping and all the rest has resulted in ‘not believing our own eyes or ears’ becoming very real and appropriate.
So what to believe, whom to believe, why to believe and when to believe must become functions of GOING WITHIN and lead to the veracity, the possible/probable truth, of THE ONLY WAY OUT IS IN.
However, because we are either out of practice or if male, generally less able to be intuitive (and emotional), tools are needed to help us out.

By the way, one way to crawl through the morass of the internet, is to go to ancient knowledge. And the most ancient is that contained in Vedas. And Agnihotra and the Fivefold are stalwarts of Vedas and available to us all.
Added benefits include Vedas’ relevance and non-interference with whatever religion, belief system or sexual persuasion each of us has.
And just as gravity and Covid affect us all, so can Vedic truths if we take the time to try their prescriptions. We need not reinvent the wheel. The simple, but not so easy dictates of the Vedic Fivefold Path are available for the cost of a cup of tea.
If ever there was a time to go within and believe what you experience, now is that time.