The opportunities to serve are endless in today’s world. The multitudes who yearn for lives having at least the bare necessities to survive cry out for help.
Not only can we help on the material level, but we have the tools and the vision to offer roads to dignity and fulfilment
When we teach Agnihotra and the Fivefold Path to Harijans in India, we revolutionise the sharing of divine Vedic knowledge, These members of the lowest caste in India, erstwhile called ‘untouchables,’ and relabeled Harijans—Children of God—by Mahatma Gandhi, have uplifted their lives through the agency of Agnihotra.

Nonetheless, as each of us has the responsibility to BELIEVE WHAT YOU EXPERIENCE, you must create and foster your own sense of reality.
To say that the TIME IS NOW is understating the seriousness and timeliness of the challenges and opportunities staring at us incessantly.
Were we not able ultimately to be successful, this unparalleled chance would not have come our way.
Shree Vasant told us decades ago that what yogis could not accomplish in many incarnations, we ‘normal, average householders can do in this very lifetime with Fivefold Path.
As intriguing as this sounds, let us not confuse simplicity with ease of action. This is the time to put the pedal to the metal, to shift our efforts into high gear, to exert maximum effort as if our lives depended on it. The truth is they do.
And the ‘fulcrum of disequilibrium” that pollution presents us with can be balanced by Agnihotra. We have 50 years of experience and data to support our statements.