Attempting to comprehend the Law of Karma during trying times can be challenging, First of all, God’s time may indeed be different than humans’ time. Paybacks—good or bad— usually cannot be figured out—at least not definitively.
One exception is the tenet that intense good karmic behaviour attracts Grace and, more often than not, the Grace seems to unfold rather quickly.
As the roster of longtime adherents of Agnihotra and the Fivefold Path grows—some of us having begun almost 50 years ago—questions of life and death, and illness and good health inevitably arise.
As politicians like to ask, “Are you better off now than 4 years ago,” we might wish to ask ourselves the same question about our lives since beginning Agnihotra. Invariably the answer will be yes, but things aren’t exactly black and white.
Even the most ardent Agnihotri having experienced miracle after miracle surely realizes that the fire is not the Fountain of Youth. Nor are we under the illusion that anything resembling perfect health is in our immediate future.
Happy, healthy, and holy might be more realistic goals.
Here is where adherence to ‘glass is half full, not half empty,’ provides perspective.
If an illness—or accident—deprives me of the use of one of my arms, do I bemoan what I have lost or do I give praises for the good arm I still have?
So as we trek along the Path and our destiny, do I do so in the spirit of gratitude and humility, or do I obsess over what might have been?
Faith is a funny business. The extent to which I am able to practice adhering to IDAM NA MAMA—not my will but Thy will be done— is the extent of my satisfaction with—and even understanding of—my current lot in life.
It isn’t an accident that often we experience spurts of development during periods marked by obstacles.
Interesting also that when we experience smooth sailing, sometimes we will not have even left the dock—which may explain the absence of difficult water currents.
Faith and effort go hand in hand.

Just as DEVOTION may be considered SERVICE divided by EGO, the more we are able to SURRENDER to the powers that be, instead of our own power, the more likely we will take the best forks in life’s roads.
When the world is in a phase of extreme difficulties, maintaining equanimity is easier said than done.
Of course attitude is at the forefront of coping but then there is perspective. How can I get upset over relatively minor inconveniences when an adjoining country fights for its very existence?
How can I think I am somehow being deprived of selections of food when a large percentage on this planet goes to bed hungry each night?
This isn’t to say that I can directly address these situations, but it does speak to attitude as well as to service.
We who have been gifted Agnihotra have a responsibility, an obligation to ‘share the wealth,’ I should think.
Jonas Salk would have been remiss had he not shared his polio vaccine with the world. Madam Curie, as well, had an important story to tell.
Those of us blessed to really feel and appreciate Agnihotra would do well to spread the good news. All have free will, of course, and you can lead a horse to water but not make it drink.
So shall we make strong efforts to share Agnihotra with our brothers and sisters, farmers and medical persons, whomever?
All of us wish to be happy, healthy and holy. It has been said that we have been given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Let the multitudes rush in through the open doors.