In a world beset with imbalances and traumas that sometimes hour to hour challenge whatever approximations of serenity we may have managed to manifest, where should we turn to?
If you answered, “withing ourselves”,
you may go to the head of the class.
Primary to aspects of life we are able to change is our ability to change ourselves. If, for example, we are faced with disturbing situations, our ATTITUDE about matters goes a long way towards our ability not only to cope with situations and survive situations, but, in fact to thrive—and maintain sanity and serenity.
Change yourself and you’ve changed the world—indeed, in deeds.
There is a Jewish saying, (also claimed by another religion or two) “Anyone who saves one life is as if he has saved the entire world.”
Seeing as how we cannot change the government, our partner’s disturbing habits, our teenager’s worldview, we come full circle to change yourself and you’ve changed the world.
So here we are, back to where we started…the only way out is in.
And since it is a full time job, we are faced with the truth that “If you are wondering whether or not your job here in this lifetime is finished—if you’re here, it’s not!”
No if, ands or buts—your jobs are just NOT finished (if you’re reading this).
Considering the magnitude of the task of self-development, it is not surprising that calling upon a Higher Power for assistance is very valuable—and in 12-Step Programs, it is stressed that ‘God’ or ‘Higher Power’ need not necessarily be the vision or concept traditionally connected with the concept. Your God can be nature, your newborn, your Guru, your cat, your doorknob. Get the picture?
The crux of the matter is that God or Higher Power rests on the knowledge and feeling that it is not you. ‘Higher’ than what? Higher than YOU is the point.
Then there is SERENITY.
Serenity –“The state of being calm, peaceful and untroubled. Absence of mental stress or anxiety.”
To an extent, IMPROVEMENT in such states in itself may be considered victories. It is not all or nothing. If today is more serene than yesterday, that’s a good thing. If you are happier now than you were a year ago, feel free to vote for yourself.
This is where the 20 minute daily investment in doing sunrise and sunset Agnihotra comes into the picture. The assumption is that if left to our own resources, we may (or may not) survive. But getting help and making things easier are permitted in the rules of this game.
Am I happier now than 48 years ago when I began Agnihotra? It’s not even close. Am I happier 10 minutes after sunrise and/or sunset Agnihotra then I was before? Decide for yourself.
And should you wish to ‘spread the good news,’ by all means shout from the rooftops if you must. This is not a minor issue. For untold thousands, it is a major issue and one that goes to the front of the line in terms of vitality and importance.
Nonetheless, BELIEVE WHAT YOU EXPERIENCE is an invaluable tool to make use of. Those experiences are yours and yours alone.