Do we give our mind its due? Thinking, willing and feeling somehow seem inadequate of a description, though this does describe how the mind functions.
Want proof of the inadequate description? 1)look in the mirror—the unseen, unheard power lurking behind, in, and before your image is your mind.
Do you find yourself repeating certain behaviours over and over hoping and praying for a better result than the last 10 times? Sounds almost like an addiction, doesn’t it?
And we wrote before (even in last month’s article) about the universality of addiction. It affects all of our lives.
It is noteworthy that a large section of the Homa Therapy Mind Training Program alludes to ADDICTIVE BEHAVIOUR. Also interesting is that the 12-Steps of Anonymous Programs (as in Alcoholics Anonymous, Marijuana Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, etc. ) have in Step 4–“made a searching and fearless inventory of ourselves,”–an action that requires unusual courage and uncommon humility. This seems curiously like the 5th step of the Fivefold Path–SELF STUDY or SWADHYAYA.
Though we humans are not particularly fond of change, change we must, to 1) maintain what we have accomplished and 2) move at least in the direction of self/actualization or true fulfillment—if not eventually reach those lofty goals.
But inertia —’a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged,’- being what it is, often change is easier said than done.
So what are some ways to ease the ‘pain’ of changing?
Tapa (self-discipline)
to break old habits and samskaras (old impressions on the mind)
Realization of the need to change
like an alcoholic admitting a problem is there (hitting bottom)
Depression, physical illness
depression often is a message from yourself to yourself that things are not going well, and CHANGE is needed.
Physical Illness
This also may be a message to ourselves. As Louise Hay writes, a stiff neck may indicate stubbornness.
Make your own Luck
going through a longer period of ‘bad luck,’ which may be sending you a message. As the saying goes, “You make your own luck.”
knowing your own
knowing your own tendencies, strengths and weaknesses, and not continuing to do the same negative behaviour repeatedly expecting a different outcome.
tough loving yourself
“tough loving” yourself (starting with a truthful—sometimes raw—look into yourself
Tough Love
Love or affectionate concern expressed in a stern or unsentimental manner (and through discipline) especially to promote responsible behaviour.
Of course the gentle push of the mind in the direction of Love provided by Agnihotra, eases the pain of changing for us all.
In a nutshell, Love Yourself, Change Yourself, Be Yourself.