“All of you walk in Light, protected by Divine Grace”, Shree Vasant told us.
¿Protected from what? For openers, our instincts, Samskaras (old impressions on the mind) and situations beyond our control.
Consciously embarking on the spiritual path does not 1) absolve us from old impressions on our mind, 2) insulate us from our human instincts, 3) imbue us with superhuman powers enabling us to scale tall buildings in a single bound; only Superman can do that. And even he was bedeviled by Kryptonite. And Achilles had this heel situation.
So, the rose garden some of us wished for but was not promised may eventually be procured but thorns get or deserve our attention.
We find ourselves embroiled in an imbroglio (of our fellow humans doing)—starting with Climate Change, then corruption in governments, then nearly universal conflict and stress. We have tools meant to extricate ourselves from dire situations and help those without these tools.
Hence, spreading the good news of Agnihotra and the Fivefold Path feels like a duty and a
responsibility, but at the same time, a joyous endeavor.
So here we are in this fluid dynamic somewhat at the whims of the universe. We are faced with decisions of how and what to think, feel and intend, that need to be attended to moment to moment.
Aspects of this reality are within our capabilities to control or at least to influence. Others are not. We pray for the wisdom to know the difference.
Should we be able to navigate the bridges over troubled waters, we come out better on the other end.
But this is a not a zero sum game. Our personal well being is not sacrificed by blessings given to others. Quite the contrary.
In fact the results are in Divine hands. Only the effort is in ours.
So, if ever there was a time to attempt ego-less interaction and non-attachment to the fruits of our actions, and consciously maintain adherence to not my will be done, but that of the Divine, THAT TIME IS NOW!
All of nature cries out for the relief Homa Therapy provides. No other proposed solutions are affordable enough nor amenable to healthy lifestyles.
Believe what you experience. Many of us have this belief 50 years and counting.
Alas, yes, most things are best addressed a day at a time. Sunrise Agnihotra tomorrow will be the next opportunity.