Homa Psychotherapy, a revived scientific process from Vedas, employs methods not limited to any religion, culture or timeframe. Just as Vedas are universal and available to all, so is Homa Psychotherapy.
The core element is daily sunrise and sunset Agnihotra copper pyramid fire. It can be utilized by therapists at minimal cost and effort. Furthermore, patients can choose to practice Agnihotra themselves to further the impact and duration of therapy.
Addiction issues, depression, family dysfunction, and balance between spiritual and material pursuits have been especially responsive to Homa Psychotherapy techniques.
The stress and tension of life as we enter 2024 have the potential to exert extreme pressure on our minds. By changing atmosphere, hence, Prana, minds are directly and comfortably affected in positive, life-changing parameters.
Would you like to entertain the idea of becoming your own therapist? Besides saving you money, an inherent aspect of going to a therapist is that you can rise only as ‘high’ as your therapist. (So choose wisely.) When you counsel yourself, your progress is unlimited.
“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”
– Henry David Thoreau –
“I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it….we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
– Charles Swindoll –
Many of us may think that this guidance is easier said than done or as nearly impossible goals to aspire to. This may be due to the major challenges facing us all. The good news is once rock bottom is reached, the only way is up. Then the guidance can be said AND done.
Agnihotra brings about major, positive changes in ATMOSPHERE. Atmosphere affects PRANA—life energy that pulsates in us and around us and connects us with the cosmos. And Prana and MIND are like two sides of the same coin.
So, humanity would do well to consider doing Agnihotra every sunrise and sunset if it wishes to be able to adhere to what Thoreau and Swindoll teach.
Jarek Bizberg co-founder of Ecovillage Bhrugu Aranya and president of Homa Therapy Foundation in southern Poland, says in a magnificent, just released video that if 20% of the population in a city does Agnihotra, the city becomes a paradise.
As our attitudes are products of our thoughts, feelings and intentions, it is unavoidable for us to use our MINDS—whose three major functions are thinking, feeling and willing—to not only navigate life today, but, moreover, to filter out dross and allow truth and Divine guidance to enter our consciousness